Hoarder Clearance

Hoarding is a part of a mental health illness known widely as Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) which is often unnoticed by the individual it affects.

It can range from simply not throwing away any household items, obsessively buying new goods which then sit unopened, or “collecting cats and dogs” in the same way as people collect souvenirs, to more extreme cases of not throwing anything out including human waste.

No two hoarders are the same and it not only affects the lives of the hoarder but often also a landlord, family member or property owner who may find they are left to deal with these situations.

Having worked with clients such as Social Services; Age Uk; Age Concern, numerous solicitors, landlords and members of the public for over 20 years, we are more than confident in carrying out this professional service for you.

DC Management have also helped many organisations and personal assistants in training for when they come across such situations and how to stay safe and move forward in rectifying the issue. The owner of the company has always been very passionate about this service and as such is known by many councils, Adult social care, child social care as the go to man for assistance.

DC GROUP can manage all aspects of Hoarder Clearance including:

  • Full clearance, furniture, rubbish, and waste removed from anywhere on property
  • Thorough cleaning – deep clean as well as garden clearing, cut back and tidied
  • Hazardous materials removed to UK environmental standards
  • Safe chemical usage to eliminate potential hazards from the property
  • Pest control services carried out
  • Our operatives are fully trained and vetted by the local regulatory authority for best practise when dealing with vulnerable clients and are used by many councils
  • Also a member of the National Association of Crime Scene Cleaning and Support with Confidence

A fact to consider where hoarding is a problem is that it can attract rodents, insects and other pests, which can cause gross filth. Gross filth clean up and hoarding removal of rubbish and debris from a property typically involves cleaning a building or residence that a reasonable person would find uninhabitable due to a combination of gross filth and debris caused by hoarding, bodily fluids such as blood/vomit/urine/faecal matter either human or animal, excessive rubbish build-up, expired and rotting foods, noxious odour etc. There may also be debris from the hoarding such as drug paraphernalia, excessive waste, expired food, mould, mildew or infestation by lice or other insects. A task of cleaning such an area can be challenging and often impossible for an individual untrained in decontamination and odour control. Sites with an excessive amount of animal faeces can be very infectious and pose considerable risk of illness if not handled properly.

Along with the difficulties associated with removing the faecal matter, strong odours may also be associated with faeces and the site will need to be thoroughly deodorised. Although a visual inspection of an area affected by animal faeces may reveal a great deal of faecal matter, an equal amount will be found by our operatives in areas that cannot be seen or easily accessed. It is vital that all traces of animal faeces be removed from the area.

In our regular inhouse training sessions – the session is always finished by saying “if you wouldn’t bring your family here and make them a meal, it’s not finished”

We can arrange for a wide range of pest control services to be carried out, from rodents, grey squirrels, birds, moles, wasps and hornets, bed bugs, fleas, bed bugs and bees. We can then advise on the nest plan of action for repeat visits to eliminate further visits from the pests.

In addition, there are several legal requirements which need to be adhered to when locating and safely eliminating biohazards such as blood, bodily fluids and needlesticks which when mishandled can contribute to serious illness if adequate precautions are not taken. A standard cleaning company may very well not have the insurance, training, safety equipment or knowledge to undertake such a job – using them could make you legally liable if an accident occurred.

1 to 1 staff member can be assigned to the client if they wish to be present / can’t be relocated, to ensure that the process is dealt with, with the clients safety and well being at the top of our priorities.

We use the correct tools and chemicals to eliminate potential hazards from the property. Only after an area has been completely decontaminated will our operatives begin the clean-up process. DC GROUP have a wealth of experience, the professional training and use the correct tools and chemicals to eliminate all potential hazards within a gross filth or hoarding property. Most individuals who are susceptible to hoarding are classed as vulnerable. Our operatives are fully trained and vetted by the local regulatory authority for best practise when dealing with vulnerable clients. DC GROUP are a licensed waste carrier and are able to dispose of waste in bulk. We are also a member of the National Association of Crime Scene Cleaning and Support with Confidence.


You can contact us by using the form below, by email on info@dc-group.online or by phone on 0333 772 9803

How It Works


Contact us for your personalised quote


We will arrange a consultation at your location


We will provide a quote & schedule of works


Quote is agreed and a deposit is paid


Work is carried at agreed date & time


Happy Customer = Happy DC GROUP!